Yes, it is LONDON!

To visit my sista! But poor me is broke now after a weekend there. Just the dirty 'Underground' cost me 4.90 pound / day * 4 = 20 bloody bucks! (= RM 120)

Ofcourse, some good monies spent on booze... hehe.

Nevertheless, it was good time I had la. Couple of friends was in town, just at the right weekend! So, we spent many hours chatting , eating and drinking like good ol times back home. Except, no mamak stalls in London!
Yes, I bought 2 pairs of ALDO shoes :) Couldn't help it. They are so sexy!
London is indeed dirty and really hot as its summertime now, especially in the Underground. Its a moving sauna!
Marks of chewing gums everywhere on the pavements, walls and on the edges of your jeans (damn!) after a whole day of walking in the city. Singapore took the right decision to ban that sticky stuff.
Still, its an amazing city. Very quirky, vibrant and interesting. All kinds of people from every corners of the earth came and lived there.
Each time I go to London, I couldn't help but feel rather invisible, like an audience watching a live fast moving play. People ain't watching you. People are just too busy living or err... making a living.
I felt I could just dance, or jump or dress as tarty as I wish, and could just walk down the streets unpassed.
You know that feeling?

One can't leave London without a good Indian dinner. And yes! Largest naan I've ever seen or ate :)
Just that the city is really filthy! Its disturbing to see. Perhaps everyone is doin, because everyone else is doin it.
Fellow Londoners, love your city and stop littering!