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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Renge : 1 Mio Daimoku

Just had a chat on the IM with littlecreature. We are going to start a daimoku campaign together, in challenging together, heart and soul with our dear friend, Sze in Taipei.

Sze's told me this Monday that the tumor in her liver has grown in size. She's got to go thru TAE again. And she's been having pain in her tummy too these weeks. My my my, its really a tough time for her.

A tough girl she is. She told me she'll not give up as long as her doctor doesn't give up on curing her. That's the spirit, attagirl!

littlecreature: Let's focus our determination to ~
1) chant for Sze's good fortune to be able to live life to the fullest and be able to overcome her health karma
2) chant to overcome our personal challenges and to achieve victories in our own lives
3) chant to be able to fuse our lives with the Mystic Law and be able to contribute to kosen rufu

littlecreature: Let's send her our determinations and I'll get the daimoku chart
nam: okok :)

1 million daimoku campaign!

Also, she reminded me :

We have to continue moving on because our lives are very dynamic. Nothing is static in this world, the only thing that is permananent is changes..
And, as human beings we evolved, we mature, we embark on new journey, rediscover ourselves, but never regress ok?

** She sits back and let out a little yawn, but her face is flushin with deep convictions

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