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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Simplicity is da Best

I figured out. I shall not make it too complicating.

So, this is it. Simple and nice. Small bits of colourful here and there to spice things up.

Though I am just missing photoshop program in my pc to edit the lovely pictures to show to you people ;)

Sometimes, its just too difficult to share it all here. On one hand, I know many of my dear friends out there are reading me. On the other, I always pride myself (try my best to...) to be a honest and honest kind of person. Just to say my thoughts without first filtering and rearranging the thoughts strategically for sake of everything else.

I try. I try. I try.

Open communication is the very start of forging a strong base for common understanding among us people. Thus, this can bring us peace and happiness in our lives. In our world.

Though sometimes, I think my T4s and TSHs (thyroid hormones) is acting too much on me and turning my world round and round till I am feeling a little schizophrenic. I do take my pills at bedtime, like a good ol girl.

Just need to find that drive.

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