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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sushi & Miso

My mind has been constantly about Japanese cuisine lately! I couldn't get my hands on good sushi (at reasonable price) so today I decided to take it in my own hands.

Yep, I made California Sushi and Tofu Mushroom Miso Soup.

But I couldn't find my sushi mat so I had to improvise and rolled it on silver paper. They were all out of shape!

Miso Soup (portion for 1)

- 3 cups of water
- 1/2 pack of Shimaya Bonito Dashi
- a handful of wakame
- 30 1cm cubes tofu
- many many mushrooms
- 2 tablespoon Shiro Miso paste

Boil the water and dashi. Throw in the wakame. Add in tofu and mushroom. Bring to boil. Add miso, low fire and keep stirring until it dissolved. Do not let it boil. Ready to be serve!

As for the sushi, it needs further perfection.

I made onigiri for my lunch box tomorrow. The rice was terribly sticky all over when I try to form the shape. First onigiri has an almost triangular form. Second one, I couldnt be bothered and just rolled it up. Hehe.

I'm trying to be a cook!

1 comment:

Ping said...

Hey!! good to see Ms Teh is cooking:)