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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mom and Dad is Visiting!

I am very very busy. Other than work. (Work is endless!)

My mommy and daddy will be visiting next week. They are arriving on Wednesday. For a whole 3 weeks.

I've been a good girl, cleaning up the house, puffing the pillows and putting on nice clean sheets for them :)

Though till now, we have yet to see Summer. Its always shying away hiding behind those grey big heavy clouds.

I just hope the weather will be kind.


harpylistens said...

I am always a good girl!haha

Anonymous said...

Hi Teh,
I am a SGI member from Singapore living in uk. I will be going to Belgium, Antwerp for an interview. I am wondering if you know any member there? my email is would really appreciate your help!thank you!

Ms Teh said...

Of course, BOLEH la!

Come come, bring me bah hu, bah kua and kiam kiam can oledi!