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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Zero Degree

Last week we had a storm. Very strong winds blowing angrily at 120 km/h. It created a lot of chaos. Trees fell, roof flew, traffic jam, train services halted, planes grounded. Phew. In total of 28 people died due to injuries caused by these wind in West Europe (Including 2 in Belgium)

The power of mother nature.

Then over the weekend, we had normal 'abnormal' winter temperatures again. Ranging from 10-14 degrees.

Suddenly, today its ZERO! Real winter now. Expecting to snow anyday now :-)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Winter never come?

Its funny weather lately. It is because Msteh brought the heat of Asia here? Bimbo-talkin :)

Really, I do worry a lot for our dear earth sometimes. The weather is weird. Here in Belgium, normally it should be cold cold snowing winter. But this week, the temperature was ranging between 10-14 degrees. Even the plants are getting confused. While driving yesterday, I saw blooming flowers at my right, and barren sticks at my left. And woa, the strong winds almost blew tiny me away.

I read somewhere, parts of America, temperature is 10-20 degrees higher than usual. Other parts, its crazy snow-storm. In Malaysia and Singapore, its raining cats and dogs.

Heck, I was wishing for my first complete white winter. Looks like Spring has arrive.

I hope the earth is not sick?

Monday, January 08, 2007

In 2007, I want to...

My resolutions for 2007 :

.Be happy. Smile. Laugh. Hehehe.

.Strengthen faith, practise & study. Daily Gongyo. 30mins daimoku. Read. SGIB.

.Be healthy. Eat well. Exercise. Badminton. Gym. 50kg.

.Keep in touch with love ones and friends. Call. Write. Sms.

.Work hard and bring result in company.

.Save monies. $$$.

.Read. A book per month.

.Learn Flemish and French.

.Learn to cook. Try.

.Have a active blog with own domain name. Useful. Interesting. Inspiring.

.Master photography.350D is growing mushrooms :(

.MBA. Maybe this sept? First practise GMAT.

Lots to do. Try to keep it simple. I'll work hard this year. Time is ticking away...