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Thursday, July 28, 2005


I was just thinking so much today about how I would like to structure my blog properly. You know like what kinds of things that I would like to write about - to have sense of identity. Else it'll just be thrash reading.

I would like to categorise my blogs in fact, e.g. :

- daily thotz : things that happen day to day
- humanism : my thoughts and work (in progress) for humanity
- photography : elaboration of my work to remember my feelings and emotion at the particular moment the picture was captured
- philosophy : sharings of ideas that help me to develop myself into a stronger person
- book review : (straight forward, ain't it?)
- past memories : stories about my growing years
- NaM : (I share this blog space with best dog, NaM) Woof!
- misc : some wild ideas or encounters that do not fall into any of the other categories

But how? I am not yet an html expert and there is no such tool in blogger :(

Shud I categorise it in the title itself? E.g.

Bookz : The Republic


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Cherry Pink to Bloody Red!

Pppfff I am on the verge of exploding!

Emotional turmoil he! I really wish I can do something where I can help others where it creates more value in life. Rather than for business purposes.

My greatest dream is to be a true humanist, working for UN and making a big difference to people of the world.

But well, for now reality sucks! Its about survival for now. I'll give myself another 5 years. Meantime, I'll polish myself in character and innerself to be a pose, calm, objective and strong person. Also, a cheerful and happy person that can shine lights into others life!

At least now I learn to grit my teeth hard in conflicts, controlling my anger and be objective. Let the other party blow... aheheh!

That's a characteristic which I believe we can learn and nurture in ourselves. Be level-headed. But sometimes I do have bad temperaments - and during these moments, I know better to go home and hid in my room. Calm myself and do something that makes meself happy.


Anyway, its good again now. I think I am beginning to get a hang of it. You know, supressing my emotional part, think rationally, and doing a good explanation so that people understand my point. There is definately no bad intentions. At least from within me. I certainly try my best in everything, even if this may not be my passion ;)

Things I learnt today: Control anger, things will get the better of us.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Dark Stormy Night

The caption certainly reflects my mood this night.

Well, we human really fluctuates within the ten worlds. One moment we are estatic, next moment, feels like every wall of our life crumbles :(

Each night I take the same path, walking home from the subway station. But tonight, everything on my path looks ugly to me. Just because I've just had a bad day... or should I just say some bad moments (because its not exactly the whole day that was bad!), the views that my eyes read are different!

Even the trees by my home looks evil. Yikes!

Anyway, after a good dinner, some tv watching (hardly my kind of activity, but for today its good to divert my mind)... well, well, well, all is well again!

Human emotions he. Can we ever control it?

I think I am a very emotional person. A person who feels too much. But I hardly shows it. Its all beneath the facade of me. I can't be in the corporate world, being business-like, emotionless and having nothin affecting me. I can't. Every word, gesture of people means a lot to me. Like today, it was due to some miscommunication that a colleague went BAZoOo with me. I did nothing wrong actually. After her outburst, I wasn't angry with her, but I just felt so bad that I had in some ways ruined her day, made her angry. It just made me feel real bad.

Happiness to me means giving joy to others.

Anyway, with some very patient and sincere explanation (some apologies on behalf of nature that she's had accidental angry moments - not ignited on purpose), she cooled down and also said sorry to me for her outburst :)

So its bedtime now. I am going to Lala-land :) My world where the SMURFs' tune sings at the background...

I still owe the sharings about my watching Oprah last night.

** She closes her eyes and slipped into Lala-land whilst NaM is already sound asleep beside her

Beautiful Sunday!

Yesterday was beautiful day - at least for the first 2 hours after I opened my eyes from my deep deep sleep :)

Since the sun was shining, and with my so-called determination to exercise (I felt guilty putting it off again and again), I took NaM for a run by the river. Only did 2.5km though ** grinning sheepishly.

The river was exceptionally beautiful - the color was black (or perhaps dark green?) and I could see schools of fishes swimming around with joy. Really! (Of course, there were plastics bags here and there bobbing around, but I them as imaginery jelly fishes in the rivers!!! Ahehe)

There was a man in the river. Water was up to his waist, and he was fishing! Hardly a scene that we can catch anymore these days in a metropolitan city.

Well, well, after the said beautiful day, the sun left and down came the heavy rain!

4 things I wanted to accomplish on Sunday:
- laundry
- bath NaM
(I hate the water, but love the scrubbing on my back... mmm woof!)
- organise my wardrobe
- organise my shoes (a whole collection!)

Managed to complete the first 3 tasks. You see, I try to be a organised person. Truth is I need to specify my objectives else I'll feel lost and empty or too messed up. So I have my life's objectives, 5 years plan, annual resolutions, monthly targets, weekly objectives and also daily plans :)

The evening was wonderful. Yeni cooked dinner - ribeye steak with sour cream & bacon stuffed boiled potato and vegatables. Also with a bottle of red wine (1999).

Manage to watch the Oprah show and it was really good! I'll share about it more tonight.

Friday, July 22, 2005

e bus ride

feeling like small caps - being chic. if u know what i mean. gone were the days of capital letters, nor 's', nor proper spellings. its cool - e way v write thez stuffz...

aheha (in person, i actually could do a good replication of this laugher - ahehehahe)

Anyway, those are not what I wanted to blog today. It was about the bus ride. And how I wish that I could blog as I think because now I have to recap what I had thought this morning during the bus ride. And it seemed whole lot more interesting then ;P (I should check out the mobile blogging thingy!!!)

First, I started thinking about what if one would know that I had in fact missed my "7mins" bus and took instead the "14mins" bus, one would have said, what a waste of time! This bus took me round to River Valley, ChinaTown and to my destination!

However, I did enjoyed the quiet "14mins" I had this morning, drowning myself in my headphones, feeling invisible to the world, fascinated by the morning madness. At least, beneath everything, I found beauty! It brings a quiet smile to my face.

Well, well, first I staggered onto the bus (blame it on the heels!) - very unladylike (as usual!). There was a couple sitting across me, laughing, smiling, sharing a magazine. Touching each other's hand lovingly every now and then. Ah, LOVE!

People keep getting on and off the bus. I wonder where do they head to, what do they do, what do they think. You know, its impossible to find 2 people who is gonaa do the same thing at the same moment. Or even at least have the same thought. People busy opening their shops, getting ready for the day's business.

A lady running after the bus, waving undecidedly (I would have done the same I suppose) but the bus driver didn't stop for her eventhough the next minute, our bus was stuck at the red lights. Well, he could have stopped for her!

And 101 things was on my mind, all the time, every moment. I wanna do this, I wanna do that. Phew! But I knew today, I wanna start blogging.

At least there is a space where I can keep these thoughts. You know, I do not have a proper filling system in my mind, so its in a big mess. Perhaps a blogging habit will be like downloading emails into an archives, so that my mailbox has more space... TO THINK MORE! Oh nooo...

(I do still pen my thoughts in a diary - do not laugh! I do that since I was 12 years old. I still carry a notebook aka diary everywhere I go now. My collection of diaries has grown to a few boxes and my ma is threatening to clean them up. Is there anyway I can "e" them? I meant, digitize them. Ahehehe!)

But what a great morning! ** A quiet smile formed on her lips as she sat through the bumpy ride.

Official 1st BLOG!


So finally I've made up my mind with a url address that I thought is not so lame - can't be lame as its my name. Gee!

Was thinking to myself this morning, its a weird timing to start my blog. If only I could have, I would have love to blog my mind out since day one of my birth! :)

Well, but that's impossible. And so I have to make up now for the past 26 years un-blogged!

And before even I could get started, there was this big internal war about the url, about the title of my blog, even about how should I be writing it - in proper English, or in Singlish or the new chic "SMS"-lish :)


However, being a perfectionist I am, I'll try to do my best in my most puuurrrfect English!

Here we go!