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Thursday, July 28, 2005


I was just thinking so much today about how I would like to structure my blog properly. You know like what kinds of things that I would like to write about - to have sense of identity. Else it'll just be thrash reading.

I would like to categorise my blogs in fact, e.g. :

- daily thotz : things that happen day to day
- humanism : my thoughts and work (in progress) for humanity
- photography : elaboration of my work to remember my feelings and emotion at the particular moment the picture was captured
- philosophy : sharings of ideas that help me to develop myself into a stronger person
- book review : (straight forward, ain't it?)
- past memories : stories about my growing years
- NaM : (I share this blog space with best dog, NaM) Woof!
- misc : some wild ideas or encounters that do not fall into any of the other categories

But how? I am not yet an html expert and there is no such tool in blogger :(

Shud I categorise it in the title itself? E.g.

Bookz : The Republic


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a lot of categories. i guess ur a pretty structured person. :)

but i think ur idea of putting the category in front of the title would work. its simple and everyone could understand that.
