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Monday, July 17, 2006

Private Pool Party

Pre-party drinks at ma place again :)

I can't help it - just love playing host and seein people enjoyin the foodies and drinks.

Talk about the next-day cleaning another day ok! Ahe.

We were invited to a private pool party. It was a cool party. Drinks aplenty, hot chics, fantastic DJs spinning (I got a free cd... heheh), dancing people, jacuzzi and of course, a pool! So, at 4am, people started jumping into the pool and having fun.

Don't ask me what kind of fun ;) Me didn't see any hot scenes. Too bad!

We partied right up till 8am! Fieeww, there was a moment - caught me in amazement, there I was dancing to the beat, sipping ma whiskey soda and the sun coming up on my right, the moon leaving the scene on my left.

Crazy party people in Belgium!

1 comment:

abuChak said...

Other than language barrier that you face, you seem to be having fun too. Wish I could have a life... I feel like I'm dead/lifeless.