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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Moodz : Split Personality

Some people must have been wondering where has ms teh been. In fact she was still lurking around in cyber space but was assuming another identity.

Its been a while and now I am back!

I guess its was an identity crisis. Can't decide to be ms teh, jayteh or nam or etc... shan't name them all. Or either to be white, black, green (I meant my site outlook).

Also, I guess I was afraid of people reading me, knowing me, my thoughts, insecurities (still fighting but each day I can feel myself becoming stronger).

But I realised this weekend, I am just being me. And I am happy being me.
Why me? Because its me!

So, to start off this year, I'll be extra nice to me. I wanna love myself more, take good care, be healthy, go jogging, have lotsa fun, learn new stuffs, be passinate about life and live my life to the fullest...

To start off, I am beginning my french classes this week. It will go on for 10 weeks. Hopefully by then I should be able to at least understand conversations and converse too!

I wanna do some self study to brush up my Chinese and Japanese too.

Keeping myself healthy. Exercising and home cook food is my strategy. So I did my first run yesterday for 3km + 100 sit ups (I know its almost mid-Jan but the rain hasn't gave me a chance, has it?!)

Also, continue to do my daily prayers and 1 hour daimoku. Reading for 30 mins every night before lala-land.

Tentative, these are the short terms daily determinations that I wanna take on.

I'll write more about my missions and vision.

Tomorrow, the girls are coming over to my place to watch the first season of American Idols together. I should (cross my fingers) cooking dinner... It will be if edible, otherwise, on a last resort, I'll have to call for Pizzas!

Not sure hows the mood yet, but if everyone is on high note, we should be heading to Mambo (I declared January as the party month in conjunction for New Year!) Just another reason! :)

Ciao ciao!

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