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Monday, January 23, 2006

Moodz : Unusual Birthday Gift

You know what! I've just found out something very suprising last Friday night while dancing intoxicatingly in the dark @ MOS!

That's a cool place he!

Last week, I've received a mail from the Red Cross thanking me for my generous donation of $2700. It was address to me in my fullname. I went around asking, thinking that my company might have been so generous to make such amount of donation and mistakenly on my name. Tried to call to Red Cross too. I was really puzzled.

Then in MOS on Friday late night, after doses of drinks, Mr S start asking me why I hadn't thank him for the birthday present he got me. Oooh, thank you for the champagne you've bought me in Velvet but I didn't get to pop it!!! I said.

Then he say no no no, its a very expensive gift. I was really puzzled.

Then he asked me about receiving any mail from Red Cross... then the puzzle fell into place and it made sense after all.

$2700 signifies my age!

What a brilliant gift! Its indeed the most unusual, most expensive and most "valueable" gift I've ever received...

Isn't it great!!!

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