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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lille, France

Last Saturday, the Belgians celebrated their National Day. This means that all shops were closed for the day. Really all closed :( We couldn't even do our groceries for the week.

Anyway, for it was such a boring day, we decided to take a drive to check out the little French city by the border with Belgium - Lille. It is such a pretty place.

We didnt do much there though. Just walked around. I guess people mainly go there to shop. Yep, that Saturday, I would say many Belgians had the same idea as us. So it was pretty crowded indeed. But vibrant!

Lille is quite picturesque. There are plenty of shops. All kinds. General stores, standards shops, alternatives, boutiques etc... Streets are mostly one laner, cobbler stoned (I hate them cuz they ruined all my heels!).

I saw a classical bakery. Wanted to try out the ice cream, tarts, buns, cakes (typical me!) but I was lured by another shop at another corner.

One corner of the town square. Its a very big square with many restaurants and cafes providing sittings outdoor.

I was lured by this 'PINK' ice cream shop. There was a very very long queue. It took me 20mins to get me a single scoop strawberry icecream (with chunks of fresh strawberries in it) but it was all worth it. Really yummy!

It was just a short visit. We'll definately be back again to explore Lille to its depths.

I didn't get anything for myself but Mr D was home with all smiles as he got himself a full set of Texas Holden Poker game, with plastic cards, weighted chips and all in a nice chic briefcase.

Apparently, there is a poker craze going on in Belgium.

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