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Saturday, July 07, 2007

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I am back!

See this picture? This is the view out from Marseille train station. And this is the view which caught me mesmerised and made me missed my train home!!! Unbelievable! I myself couldn't believe that had happened. I had to buy another VERY expensive ticket to go home. Sob sob sob.

I was so stupid. It was a hard lesson learnt!

Let's forget about that pinch!

It was a very awakening great 5 days at the buddha-land, Trets. Ha, I call it the buddha-land as during my time there, all on my mind was only to seek to fill the thirst of faith and knowledge. No phone calls, no emails, no talking about work, no worrying about problems. Only lotsa chanting. Studying. And all smiles.

It was a very rejuvenating trip. Brings me back to all the basics of faith. Sometimes, filling up my mind with too much knowledge gained from reading has sort of put me in the "i-know-how-it-all-works" mode which is not so good, because I tend to use a lot of mind reasonings than to let the heart rule. So this is a good "cleansing" trip!

Use the strategy of the lotus sutra!

Wisdom wells from within, as the heart rules, thus faith is pure.

nam is faith/ devotion/ believe.
myho renge kyo is the manifestation of buddhahood/ brings the effects into our lives (buddha wisdom wells from within).

The trip was essential to prepare me for the news that awaits to befall on my ears when I am back. Its a very very worrisome news. I will share it later. Surely, we will fight for victory!

I was in the photography group. This is my best shot. I love the air of joy and warmth expressed.

The group picture - all from SGI-Belgium!

More later. Good night.

1 comment:

Ping said...

Yes yes! Always caught in the situation, I know how this work with our own strategy but amongst all strategy in life, apply the strategy of the lotus sutra.