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Monday, February 20, 2006

Moodz : Perfect & Imperfect Weekend

Was indeed a great Saturday. I met up with Mei at The Balcony (cool place to chill out!) for lunch. We barely ate! Kept talking non-stop for almost 4 hours. Then I had to go for a short appointment at 4.30pm. Met up with Mei again and went to this sake place in Mohamed Sultan. Again, more words that came pouring out than food that we take in.

BUT we drank 3 bottles of sake ;) and 2 beers before calling it a night.

It was rrreally great! Great catching up. I missed talking to her in fact. We were best of friends when we were 13 or 14 years old. Used to sit at the back of the classroom, hid our faces and chat. And continue chatting on the phone when we are back home. Usually stuffs - dreams, boys, family, books, love, romance, boys, boys, boys etc etc. Hahaha!

We have known each other for about 18 years now. Phew! I am so proud of her. She's grown to be such a fine lady. Full of confidence, joy, love and being just herself!

Later on, H and a colleague popped by. Took me off to MOS for 1 hour of dancing in Pure Room. Imagine, limpy chinese girl in bohemian skirt and birkenstoks. A sight to be missed! Hhehehe but who cares as long as we are having fun!

"Dreadful Sunday"

First, we woke up very late! Had lunch only at 3pm :( Then I think the gastric striked me. Was feeling really woozy and yet they insisted that I have to see the Chinese sensei for my knee (post-ski! hehehe...)

So in the midst of pain and wooziness, we went around looking for a Chinese sensei! Found one somewhere at Middle Road.

Then, there was all these punching, pushing, pressing, twisting and sucking (using some small cups) from a very strong armed Chinese doctor (daytime horror!) and lotsa laughing and squeeling from Yeni and me bro (they tried to stifle their laughters but still find ME too amusing!). And poor me - screaming, wriggling and trying to get away. Sob sob.

But then, I had the best sleep ever for 3 whole hours. I guess, the "tui na" really works he!

Marks from the suction of the cups.

Some chinese medicine for me to slab onto my knee.

Funny doctor he was! When we arrived, he said "Welcome, welcome. People come here to buy pain!" and twisted that with a big HAHAHA at the end.

** She was indeed petrified that sunday!


Anonymous said...

\o miss teh

poor ms teh going through so much pain /me hugs

nice blog u have been reading all of them :D

Anonymous said...

any pics of ya painful look? hee..
so in the end does all this pain worth the trip there? hows ya knee now?? take good care!!!