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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Moodz : Candy for you?

Yesterday, (as I do each morning with a slight hint of guilt! Hehe), I hailed a taxi to get to work. After giving the usual directives, the taxi driver, unexpectedly offered me a candy.

And I took it. Its a just a normal mint candy in fact.

But for a second, my mind made an instantly fast calculation. Calculation of risks : The face of the driver, his expression, his name on the card exhibited, his driving style, the little ornaments displayed on the dashboard.

Then I looked at the candy, read the tiny prints, and finally popping it into my mouth! And it melts. And 5 minutes later I am still enjoy the sweet refreshing taste. And still have clear awareness!

I know its a silly realisation but I was amazed of my own thoughts! How my mind has been trained to work!

I guess, its how we were brought up. My ma used to tell me, "Do not accept gula-gula from strangers, they'll drug you, kidnap you... bla bla". So, I became automatically PARANOIA ;)

Anyway, it does feel good to know that I've just met a nice soul. I mean he is nice! He tried and did make a difference to my daily ride. He even had a small box prepared for throwin of the candy wrapper!

Well, the usual notion in a taxi - driver and passenger in cold silence. Passenger caught up in one's own world while the taxi driver maneuver his way thru the crazy traffic to save a couple of precious seconds.

** As she steps outta the taxi, she did a little twiggy shake!

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