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Monday, March 20, 2006

Moodz : Eval

Just had my job evaluation :)

And its very positive! That is INDEED a great source of encouragement!

As Ikeda Sensei always remind us, "Be indispensable wherever you are!" - and I've always remembered and worked with this phrase kept in mind.

For me, this is indeed proving Buddhism in my daily life! Yay!!!

Although, I know I can still do much better becuz there is the teeny lazy bit part of me that can't help indulging into these little guilt-ridden fun during office hours :

- MSN-ing (until my IT dept blocked all possible access) but I still have my PDA. Using that stupid stylus give me finger cramps, so I gave up eventually!
- Updating my blog (can't help it, when the ideees come, it comes!)
- Surfing the net for all sorts "fun" stuffs
- Reading "all-kind" of blogs
- Checking my hotmail, gmail
- Sending funnies to my friends
- Chatting via emails (Last resort!)
- And occasional drinkin binge in the office (with camouflaged wine glasses!)

Allez! Time to work now...

1 comment:

SuLee said...

u knw when i got really bored in the office, i used to lock myself in the washroom, hehe