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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Back to Frituur-land

I am back from the hectic trip. Two weeks and it does feel like a long time.

Anyway, most importantly, I am back, all recharged fully to take the world again :)

Not so true actually, cuz the cold weather is eating me up quickly. Its so fucking cold!!!

Though the winter weather gives a warm cosy feel in the evenings, lazing on the couch with a hot mug of MILO.

I'll write more shortly once I sort out my baggages - instant noodles, dirty laundry, new clothes ;) My camera is somewhere in the mess.

I hope all has been well when I was away.

H3lly will be missed terribly though.


Anonymous said...

Hi frozen MS Teh ;-)
Just sending you a warm hello from Mechelen... I heard from Olli you'd like to play badminton one day. Feel free to contact me at


Ms Teh said...

Ah, my dear Belgians found me.

Beers are pouring into me faster than the rate I am sheddin off my fats!

So, quick invite me for a game anytime.

And we have to do the dancing on the table in the pub again!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it wasn't easy, but I found you...
Just give me some time to get better, they just extracted 4 teeth under complete narcose, and I'm still living on painkillers...
Anyway, next time I'm goin to a good party, I'll contact you through Demetrius since I don't know how to contact you otherwise, and we'll have another blast!
See ya soon,


P.S.: And we'll dance all night long, since I don't want you to get fat ;-p

Ms Teh said...

Ooh must hurt a lot! Take care and get well soon!!!