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Monday, February 05, 2007

A Last Thought

I just thought my blog is a bit neither here and there. No exact focus. Its just a bric n brac of my mind and eyes. Some humour of mine to share.

I tried to make it a photography blog. Most of the time I forgot to bring along my camera. Otherwise, the photography course I enrolled, drove myself to, lost for 1 hour in Brussels - to arrive eventually to a course held in Flemish :(

I am still learning my languages. And...

Oops, gotta go. Tot morgen.


kpmg said...


i'm in kl, and came across your blog when I was searching for "gmat malaysia blog" hoping to find malaysians that are doing/going to do the GMAT....

I'm actually resitting the GMAT and was hoping to find resources in KL to do the GMAT. Do you know of any?



Ms Teh said...


I WANT to do it but yet to find the time to do it. I will one day but for now, its too much for me of a change in life. So I need to put aside a bit.

But I hope that I can start doing some brushing up of studies in the second half of 2007.

Good luck to you!

To have dream is to hope. Don't give up!